Sunday, February 17, 2013

Peter Pan Diamond Edition/ Disney View

Hello all!

Happy New Year! Sorry I haven't written sooner, I got caught up with school and work and I guess time just slipped through my fingers! I'm back now though!

I hope you all went out and bought a copy of the Peter Pan Diamond edition! Now, if you're like me, you probably convinced a loved one, or two or three, to go and pre-order the special edition from the Disney Store to get the lithographs. My mom pre-ordered a copy for herself, and I got to keep the lithographs! Talk about a great mom.

My boyfriend and I pre-ordered it from the Disney Movie Club. With that, we received it a day early!! We watched it that night, and it is just fantastic. They incorporated "Disney View" with this edition, and for those of you who don't know what that is, don't go searching Google just yet.

Many old Disney movies were not fit to be played on wide screen TVs, so if you've ever caught yourself watching an old DVD of a dated Disney movie you've probably noticed the black borders on the sides. Disney View is an option on Disney Blu-rays that puts decorative borders that fit the scene to replace the black borders.

Many people love this feature, and many people hate it.

Personally, I found it a bit distracting because it changes a lot but it was a nice touch for someone who doesn't like black borders.

What do you think about Disney View?

Make sure to leave your comments below and have a magical day!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Disney Movie Club/ Disney Vault

Sorry I've been gone a while! Finals are FINALLY over and I have a life again until the new semester starts! Do you know what that means?


Now, to what this post was actually supposed to be about...

The boyfriend and I joined the Disney Movie Club last month, and I really don't understand what everyone complains about. We got 7 BluRays for the price of 1! SEVEN! People always say that they don't like the movie club because "it's a scam" and "they sent me movies I didn't pay for." Well, how about reading the fine print? Don't you read contracts before you sign them? They make it very clear before you sign up that if you don't respond to the feature title of the month they will send it to you and bill your credit card for them. We just denied ours today and they sent us a conformation e-mail saying that the card wouldn't be charged... it's as simple as that. This is probably one of the best decisions we've ever made so far, because we buy Disney movies ALL THE TIME. Our seven movies for opening the account were The Incredibles, The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Princess and The Frog, Ratatouille, Toy Story 2, Toy Story 3, and Up. We already own Toy Story, but to think we didn't own any of those until the movie club! In high school I decided I wanted to own every Disney movie out before I died, and that definitely moved things along a bit. We even started our own little Disney vault. Literally. We have a case called "vaultz" ( that locks and contains all of our Disney movies. Now no one but us can open our own little "Disney Vault!"

Speaking of the Disney Vault, Peter Pan is coming out!!!!!!
On February 5, 2013 the Peter Pan DIAMOND edition will be released for it's 60th anniversary! It's going to have three discs, and it's going to be awesome!

I think the point of the Disney Vault is outdated now though. In the past the Disney Vault was used to create anticipation and excitement about the film when it does eventually re-release after being in the vault for years. The movie would go for hundreds of dollars when it was in the vault, but nowadays you can buy them on Amazon even when they're in the vault. I'm not complaining though because when it does get re-released it's always more awesome!

Look for the new poll on my page! The last one didn't get many votes, so make sure you send your friends to my blog and vote!!!

Have a magical day!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Peter Pan Rant

Alright, so I'm sure you all know by now that I have a very very weird obsession with Peter Pan. When most people think "she loves Peter Pan," "she loves Tinkerbell" comes with it. This is not true. I really don't mind Tinkerbell as a character; I think she's hilarious. However, Tinkerbell is not my favorite character outside of the movie. Honestly, I don't understand these girls and their obsession with Tinkerbell. I mean, in the movie, all she really did was provide the dust for Peter Pan to fly. Yeah, sure, she's the whole reason Peter was able to go to Neverland, but come on! The movie is called PETER PAN not Peter Pan and Tinkerbell! I really wouldn't have a problem with Tinkerbell if Disney didn't sell so much of her merchandise! As a huge Peter Pan fan, it's so difficult to find Peter Pan merchandise! Yes, the movie is old, but it's a great one! I just don't understand why I get results with Tinkerbell all over them when I search Peter Pan on the Disney Store website!

The Disney Store came out with a Peter Pan plush doll, and a Peter Pan creepy looking big head thing. You can bet that I jumped on those as soon as I saw them, and I cherish them both dearly. They also came out with a Christmas ornament (which I have yet to buy... $10 for one ornament... crazy) and a Jeweled figure by the Arribas Brothers (which I probably won't buy because it's $125.) For my birthday last year my mother bought me a Peter Pan snow globe, which was awesome, but other than those things, there's NO PETER PAN MERCH unless you want to buy it for crazy prices on Amazon or eBay. I'm just trying to say that if the Disney store is going to continue to sell Tinkerbell merchandise like crazy, they should at least sell more merchandise about the boy who made her popular. If Peter Pan was never a movie, I don't think Disney would come out with all of these pixie movies! Don't even get me started on how Tinkerbell has more movies out than Peter Pan does...

Peter just has so much hope in him. I want to be like him. He has fun, and he does what he wants! Plus, who wouldn't want to fly? I have such a hard time, trying to explain why I love Peter Pan so much; I just do. 

So that's my long Peter Pan rant, and I hope I didn't offend anyone who likes Tinkerbell.

Have a magical day, and don't forget about the poll on my page!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

New poll every month!

Right now there is a poll up asking who your favorite Disney princess is. Frankly, I'm just really curious. Whenever I try to choose it is a tie between Rapunzel, Aurora, and of course Tiger Lilly. Tiger Lilly is not part of the "Disney Princesses" as far as the franchise is concerned, but I had to add her due to my love for Peter Pan. There will be a new poll every month, because I'm a curious person and I hope that you enjoy them as much as I do. Directly after posting this I will put my vote it (provided it will let me) to start things off!

Also, I personally dubbed Wednesdays as Disney days to raise my spirit in the middle of the week! Maybe I'll do something special on Wednesdays now! o.O

So have a magical Disney day!!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Disney Merchandise/ Rapunzel rant

#nowplaying: Hercules soundtrack

I was shopping at Walmart today and I really realized that there is SO much Disney merchandise. Obviously I knew it existed... it's Disney for crying out loud, but they're starting to come out with everything Disney! It's kind of wonderful!!

I saw a set of Disney Princess Barbies while at the Disney store priced at $100, which in my mind was totally worth it... unfortunately my wallet didn't agree. Today my boyfriend pointed out Walmart Disney Princess dolls, and I may or may not have had a small panic attack within myself because they were so much cheaper. There was one problem though... THEY DIDN'T LOOK ANYTHING LIKE THE PRINCESSES!!! I think my wallet may just have to suffer through this one, because if anybody knows me they know I own tons of Disney stuff. There's just so much Disney merchandise, and this girl wants it ALL!

I did however buy (rather my boyfriend bought me) a Disney Princess poster for the main room and this cute trick or treat bag with the princesses on it. I'm a little old for Trick or Treating so obviously I won't be using it for that, but rather as just a tote bag! The best part is... IT HAS RAPUNZEL ON IT!!!

Has anyone else noticed that because of the Disney merchandise being so old Rapunzel isn't on any of it? Personally, Tangled brought me back to the old princess movies. Most modern Disney movies are good, but they're nothing like the classics. For me, Tangled really broke that statement. Mandy Moore has the perfect voice for a Disney Princess, and although I had seen her in many movies before, I never realized it! Another plus to the movie is Zachary Levi (Flynn Ryder.) Not only is he incredibly attractive, but his portrayal of Flynn Ryder was just phenomenal. I thought Rapunzel definitely put a positive spin on the Disney princesses because she was so quirky and with that there was an appropriate modern spin, but there were classic Disney characteristics in it as well.

As I finish writing this, I realize I have had the Hercules soundtrack on shuffle while writing about a completely contrasting Disney movie. Whoops!

Next stop: My famous Peter Pan rant.

Have a magical day!

Monday, October 22, 2012


First time ever getting into this whole blogging thing.

Mostly the point is just to share my thoughts on any and all things Disney related. I have a strange obsession with Disney, as I'm sure anyone reading this does, and it's kind of wonderful. If you couldn't tell from the title and URL, my favorite movie is Peter Pan. It's not only my favorite Disney movie, but my favorite movie of all time. I hereby apologize in advanced for any posts that are directly related to Peter Pan. However, that rant is for another post at another time! I wanted to welcome you to my blog for the first time and say thank you for reading and I will try to update often.

Have a magical day!!!